It’s in the air, you can smell it now. There is nothing that quite smells like fall like wood burning. You can have your pumpkin spice, we want our fire pit. If you are looking to add one to your backyard or remodel the ones you have, we have something for you. We have some awesome fire pit inspiration in time for fall.
1. Storage + Seating

Source: instructables workshop
We love this design because it has form and function. And it is actually pretty easy to make. It gives you the warmth of the fire, great seating, and a practical place to put the wood. This would be great for making s’mores!

Source: All Things Heart & Home
2. Game Table Fire Pit
Deal us in! This is a great way to use your fire pit throughout the year. We love the versatility of the fire pit that keeps entertaining in every season. Check out how the top was made here. The built-in checkboard is cool! Not up for games? Still makes a great tabletop for summer months. Having cold ice tea on the back deck, or kick your feet up to a good book.
In the fall, take it off, and have as many seats as you want around the fire. Yup, this is definitely a cool take on an outdoor fire pit.

Source: DIY Projects With Pete
3. Modern Gas Fire Pit
From ultra-modern to just plain practical, there are a lot of reasons one might choose a gas-lit fire pit. For starters, not everyone has a large backyard they can burn wood in. Gas fire pits can not only allow for a smaller space but control and contain the fire much better. You can make it look just a real as a wood fire pit. Or you can go to the modern sleek look. Our favorite part? You can have these on your back deck or patio without worry.
You can buy them or you can make one yourself. Either way, it is a neat solution when you don’t want a traditional fire pit.

Source: Daisy Mae Belle
4. Bonfire Beach Vibe
If you long to be in Ocean City, this might be the fire pit for you. With strung up lights, Adirondack chairs, a soft glow of the fire, and tiki torches, it’s like it’s own mini-vacation in your backyard.
You could do this with a DIY fire pit or one you buy. Also, how awesome would it be if the stone was sand? Okay, yeah we are moving in.
All we need now is a fruity drink. It will be easy to get through the fall and winter when you can go dream of summer in this backyard.
5. Fire Pit Fountain
Now, this is cool. Take your fire pit to the next level with this fire pit fountain feature. The built-in seating, cushions and all just scream luxury. Throw a penny in and make a wish, or even stick your feet in to cool off during the spring and summer. We will say, it might be harder to make s’mores with this one, but hey, sometimes you can’t have it all!
We hope you enjoyed and get inspired our awesome fire pit inspiration. Do you have any you’d like to share? Let us know. If you are going to DIY, remember we have an entire lumber yard and a hardware store that can get you the right materials for the job.